January 10, 2011

Thank You Packers!!

Thank you Packers for bringing the fun of football back to Wisconsin! Congratulations to ALL the Packers for turning a "Wild Card" into a chance for the the Superbowl! I would like to thank each one personally but I would feel bad if I missed someone so I won't try...except for maybe Sparks. Where have they been hiding him? Thanks for confusing the heck out of Vick who everyone thought had this game in his pocket before it even started. To Mike McCarthy and our other coaches...thank you for inspiring your team and convincing them that they ARE a team to be reckoned with AND Superbowl material!

But most of all, thank you for finally banishing
the ghost of Brett Favre!!

1 comment:

SillyShelly said...

And Brett's WEINER!!!!!!