August 6, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa's Inn

As many of you know, our house is on the has been for 2 years next month. Well, it's been long enough and as far as I can see, the economy is not getting any better. So, we have decided to line up renters starting in September if the house has not sold (we have until August 31) so we can head to Tennessee and move on with our lives. We still hope to sell but we now have a 'Plan B' to fall back on.

Soooooooo, because we will be leaving Wisconsin next month, we decided to take John (5) and Isabelle (3) for a week since we would not be seeing them again for a while. (Not to mention - give their mommy and daddy a chance for a 2nd honeymoon). So, the guest room at Grandma and Grandpa's Inn is ready, all breakables are put away, toy box is out, bubbles found in the garage and we have tried to catch up on our sleep before they arrive. We may be heading to Walmart to see if they have any swimming pools on sale.....or else, the sprinkler will probably be going non-stop if the heat continues. Hope they bring the good movies and the big dinosaur book.

I know....we're NUTS but this is what grandparents do, at least these grandparents. Gotta go and catch a nap!!

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