December 30, 2010

PaPa on Call......

I still have to report on our fun Christmas this year, but something happened this morning that I think totally describes what this blog is all about....being Grandparents!

At approximately 7:30 a.m. my cell phone rang and by the tone (the sound of croaking frogs) I knew that it was Becky in Madison. She was calling on behalf of 3 year-old Isabelle who you could hear crying in the background. Becky was on her way to dropping off Izzy and John at daycare before she went into work and it seemed that Izzy was having a very bad day and the only ones who would make it better were Grandma and PaPa.  Actually, I think she really wanted to hear PaPa's voice....they are very close and in Izzy's eyes, PaPa can make any bad situation better. Hence, the emergency phone call. I talked with her for a short time, but have to admit with all the blubbering going on, I found it a little difficult to understand what she was saying which sort of left me with a loss for words. I was actually very glad when she asked for PaPa. Now, some of you might think.....what, Grandma isn't good enough?  Let me tell you that in my years of being a grandparent, I have learned that each of the grandchildren have a 'favorite' and when their world is being turned upside down, there is only one grandparent who can save the day. I have never really given that much long as they have someone, who cares who it is? Is it really that important which one it is?  NOT!!

So, I turned the phone over to PaPa who evidently said the right things (actually, it was probably just his voice) because Izzy felt better.

I figure it this way......if we, as grandparents, can be that voice out there in this wild, crazy world that will make our grandchildren feel better at times, we have done our job well!  So, Trinity, Madison, John, Izzy and little Lexi who is on the way....remember, Grandma and PaPa are permanently "on call" and will talk with you anytime you need to hear a few reassuring words or just hear our voices. Just tell your mommies to dial us up. Not only might you feel better after the phone call, but you have made our day too!!

Love, Grandma


Becky said...

Yes, you both made her feel much better. Now she keeps asking when she gets to go and visit Grandma and Pa Pa at their house!

Poirier Family said...

I wanted to wish you and your family a Happy New Year!!!!

Barbara said...

Happy New Year to you too and good luck in 2011 with your new craft business!!