September 20, 2010


About a week ago, I saw something scurry across the patio but it was moving too fast for me to clearly identify the culprit before it disappeared under the house.  But I wasn't taking any chances because it is that time of the year again when vermin (or rodents to be precise) start hiding out in the garage and Grandpa goes into total 'safari' mode with his array of traps and peanut butter. You really can't blame us for our high level of self-preservation when it comes to rodents of any kind.  A few years back we had a very harrowing experience with a rodent family and at this time of the year I get just a little 'over-the-top' skitzy if I even suspect activity of any kind. If you think this might be a little paranoid, let me educate you on what we learned that year:
  • DO NOT store bird food of any kind in your garage unless it is safely secured in a tight container; preferably a concrete bunker;
  • DO NOT underestimate the power of a rodent to be able to jump from one place to another, climb any object or squeeze through even the smallest of openings. They didn't call him "Mighty Mouse" for nothing,
  • Having the wires replaced in the engine of your car after they have been knawed on by the 'visiting family' even for just one night can be very costly, and
  • The odor that erupts after starting your car with a nest built on your carburator is a little pungent.
So, as you can see, at the first sign of any suspicious activity, we go into full alert and drag out the heavy guns.  Grandpa set out a variety of 18 traps in the garage, in the garden and under the overhang of the house.  Believe me, after that one incident, we have them all; big, small, electric, sticky and even some where they 'go in' but 'can't get back out'.  No poison used because of the dogs; just peanut butter for bait (we prefer Skippy Chunky) and we are set to rumble.

Grandpa checked on his traps everyday with no success until yesterday when he yells into the house for me to come out and see what I had 'murdered'.

I have to admit that I do feel bad about this unfortunate accident...I mean I can't even watch the Animal Planet channel on T.V. without crying. But do I take responsibility for this stupid chipmunk's taste for peanut butter??  NOT!!


1 comment:

SillyShelly said...

OMG!!! What's next??? Little baby bunnies???