July 10, 2011

Caylee Marie Anthony

Image: Caylee Marie Anthony

For almost 2 months many of us have been glued to the Casey Anthony trial....a young mother who was accused of murdering her 1 1/2 year old daughter (Caylee). Even if you weren't following the trial, you could not turn on any news station or look at the cover of any of the tabloids and not know who Casey Anthony was. Some say it was even bigger than the O.J. Simpson case; especially the outrage felt by so many when the verdict of 'not guilty' for the murder charge came back after the jury deliberated for about 10 hours. She was found guilty on the four counts of lying to a police officer (or detective) but to some, that was little consolation for the life snatched away from this beautiful little girl. I, myself, feel it is the ONLY verdict that they could come back with since the prosecution did not prove their case. Unfortunately, sloppy investigation, too much reasonal doubt and circumstantial evidence made this not only the correct verdict, but the most unpopular verdict since the one for O.J.  But, what makes this one so very hard to accept is that the victim was a small, innocent child.

I'm not saying that Casey Anthony is innocent. I really feel she had a hand in the cover-up of this murder (or accident that "snowballed" out of control) Unfortunately, we will never know the true story about what happened to Caylee. I followed this trial (on In Session - cable) and I watched day by day as the evidence was brought before the jury from both the State of Florida and the defense. I watched as witness upon witness got up on the stand to give their testimony but when it was all said and done, it WAS NOT proved that Casey was responsible for the death of Caylee. The jury came back with the ONLY verdict that they could. By the time the jury started to deliberate, I was saying that if I was on that jury, I could not convict her of murder.....there was just too much reasonable doubt. It's sad but true!

But it's over. Let's let Caylee rest....enough with the protestors with their signs, chanting and believe it or not, threats to the jury members. Let's move on and channel all the energy being wasted on anger into something positive like "Caylee's Law"; a law being proposed in several states right now and hopefully, it will eventually get passed in ALL the states. This law would make it a felony if a parent or guardian does not report a child missing within the first 24 hours. That's how I would like to remember Caylee; coming away with a law that could save other children.

I didn't go into the whole trial here and my reason was simple. Between the lies being told, the attorneys arguing like two year-olds and learning about the Anthony disfunctional family, I can only sum up the trial as being a super media 'circus'; something I wish not to draw any more attention to. (If you want to know more about the trial, I'm sure books will be coming out faster than we can read them....I'll leave it up to you which version you want to believe.)

When I started writing this blog, I also had a photo of Casey and one of her parents included but then decided.....no, this is about Caylee. I wanted just HER face on my blog...afterall, this was about her and I don't want to be a party to forgetting that important fact like some have.

Footnote:  I love the law. I went back to school to become a legal secretary. Of all the law offices that I worked, my favorite position was with an attorney who practiced a lot of criminal and family law. He was also a former D.A. so while working for him, I furthered my education and love of the law by 'soaking' in  as much as I could.  I wouldn't have wanted to miss this trial because it confirmed my belief in our court, jury and legal system.

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