June 7, 2011

Is it just me........?

Or am I the only one put off by the latest fashion craze to hit the young males of our population? I'm sure you've seen it yourself (perhaps even living with it if you are lucky to have one in your house); the new way to wear their pants......hanging off their butts!!  I, for one, do not appreciate having to see a young man's underwear when I am walking down the street or riding in my car....in otherwords, in PUBLIC! Actually, I don't know whether to be upset or laugh my head off, especially when I see them try to run with their pants so low.

Now, isn't this attractive? What does this stand for? What are they trying to say? I finally had to investigate this latest fashion statement and here is what I found out.....

Believe it or not, it has a name - "Sagging" which I guess makes great sense by where these pants are sitting. Sagging is a manner of wearing trousers (slacks, shorts, pants or jeans) below the waist, hanging below the waist area and therefore revealing much of the underwear. Sagging is predominantly a male fashion. An individual that participates in the practice of sagging may be referred to as a sagger. It is widely believed that sagging originated in the prison environment where belts are prohibited. The style was later popularized by hip-hop artists in the 1990s.

It has since become a symbol of freedom and cultural awareness among youth (of all races).

Ok, a symbol of freedom....freedom from what....wearing pants?  Freedom to show off your underwear?Freedom to look like an idiot trying to run down the street with your pants down around your knees? Cultural awareness?  Oh yeah, I remember the pictures of George Washington in my history books with his pants sagging and his sward dragging on the ground. Well, I have had enough of them having their freedom and cultural awareness. As far as I'm concerned, they have taken away MY freedom....my freedom of not having to see their underware in public. What if women ran around with their bras hanging out....or wait, I think I saw that one day too. Never mind....bad analogy.

Come on!!  Do they really think they look attractive? Obviously or we wouldn't see so much of it. Well, one good thing may come out of all of this.  The underware (boxer shorts) business is booming and somebody's making money (Fruit of the Loom maybe?) It's just too bad they don't realize that people are laughing at them. Wise up 'saggers'....you look like bums and bums don't get jobs or the respect they are trying to earn! So, where does all this get them?

Pull um up where they belong or else don't wear them at all!

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