As some of you know, when I am upset about something, I write. At times it has been my salvation and has helped me get past certain times in my life when something has happened that has upset me to the point where I just don't know what else to do to get to the "other side" or be able to move on. Here we are once more and I hope that by the time I am at the end of this post, I will only have forgiveness for the person who through just one comment, shattered the respect that was built during a lifetime.
Someone made a statement about one of our daughters that totally caught me off guard and when it happened, I was in such shock that I was speechless for a moment. When I got my wits back and could speak, I told this person that it was so uncalled for and not even close to the truth.
I am proud of our two daughters, but I will not claim that they are angels by any means. What parents can? I cannot say they didn't give us sleepless nights as they grew up and they, themselves, will be the first to admit that. However, they both grew up to be wonderful young women and especially, terrific mothers. I, like some, do not choose to live in the past. On the contrary, what I live for is today and I resent anybody, ANYBODY who makes any derogatory remarks about either Michele or Rebecca especially when they have absolutely no idea what either of them went through while growing up OR how they are living their lives now. My 'mamma bear' claws will come out and I will not sit still while someone 'trashes' them.
I and Grandpa have nothing but the highest respect for both of our daughters. We are watching five grandchildren growing up as happy and content little individuals, due in part to the wonderful mothers they have. THAT'S what's important to us.
I really believe that there is just one way to get past what was said.....'consider the source' and let it go. We WILL get past this. Unfortunately, for the person who made the statement, I don't think he/she even realizes what came out of their mouth and/or what impact it had on people. For that reason, I feel sorry for this person and hopefully, in time, I will also feel forgiveness. But, it will take time.
I was so very proud of you when "someone" made the comment and you were able to keep your cool! It was very hurtfull and unnecessary. Time heals all wounds and forgivness is something that only makes you stronger. I have been hearing these comments about myself and the rest of the kids for years unfortunatelly. All I can do is shake my head and tell them they are wrong. We "kids" are strong and can take care of ourselves and get through anything! Your girls are the perfect proof of that, and it shows, good parenting DOES have an impact. Be proud, be happy and keep being mama bear!
Oh my, what the heck happened!?! All I can say from what I've read is that until you walk in someones shoes you shouldn't judge. And the last I checked only God is able to do that. I'm sorry for your frustration and hope you find peace with this. I commend you on your protection of your children as I would do the exact same.
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