December 19, 2010

Locks of Love

For those who know me, you know this is the most hair I've had on my head since.....well, who knows when? I've always been a short-hair type of person so this is a real accomplishment to let it grow this long without getting frustrated and hacking it off. I didn't purposely start out to grow it this long. When I left my last job back in March 2009, it was a short type of bob. Well, once I was home working on fixing up the house to put it on the market, I didn't have to worry about the curling, spraying and fluffing every morning any more and laziness set it. All I had to do is pull it up in a pony tail and go about my day. My main goal was to just keep it out of my face. I also used to get it highlighted to camouflage the gray.....well, as you can see, the few highlights I have now ARE gray! As it grew longer, yeah....I said once in a while that I really should get it cut but then I would figure out a new way to wear it (stack it up there) and be happy again for a while. I forgot about one thing though (or just tried to ignore the fact); my hair was getting thinner with age and those lost hairs had to go somewhere, right? And they aren't short anymore either and I'm tired of finding them here, there and picking them up. During the summer I would go outside and brush it, clean out my brush and watch some bird come along and claim it for their nest. Well, it isn't summer anymore. You know it's time to take action when you are shedding more than your two dogs..........

Yes, I've made a decision! Actually, this idea came to me a while ago but I was waiting until I was really sure I wanted to part with it and that it was long enough. I'm donating my mop to "Locks of Love". I'm donating it in the names of my father who passed away from lung cancer and my sister who is in remission from breast cancer. I may not want my tresses any more but I want them to live on. I want them to become part of a wig for a cancer patient who has lost all of their hair from treatment which helped save their lives. Actually, I think the little bit of gray in my hair would make a wig with a little character, don't you?

Tomorrow I will be calling my hairdresser to ask if her salon participates in the "Locks of Love" program. If not, I will find one who does. My mind is made up, the time has come and there WILL be no turning back.  As for a new hair style for me, I don't know yet what it will be.  Any suggestions?

Gee, what am I going to do with all my 'scrunchies'?


Anonymous said...

Barbara I think your idea of Lock of Love is great! Even if your haor dresser does not participate in this you can get the address off the net and send your braided hair to locks of love.

Barbara said...

Thank you for your comment AND my hairdresser does participate and I have an appointment the first week in January. Will keep you posted!